Which cotton pad/puff is best?
First of all, let me say how sorry I am that I haven't posted since early September. I am in my last semester of undergrad. I am getting a degree in microbiology and I am taking two whopper-classes this semester: Molecular Bio and Immunology. I will not be posting to my blog with any sort of regularity until this nightmare is over. Now, on to the fun stuff! If you're like me, you use cotton pads/balls/squares several times a day. I use them to remove my makeup and apply my toners. I average using 4 cotton pads a day so I go through them quickly. Over the last year or so, I have been testing different brands and different types. I have my definite favorites and my definite never-buy-agains. Disclaimer: As is everything in this blog, these are just my opinions. You may love something that I hate and that is OK. I'm just sharing my life choices with you and you've chosen to read them. COTTON BALLS : No. This is the old-school beauty toner applicator. They certainly wor...